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Kalikantzari ( Greek Christmas Trolls)

Published on 23.12.2015 under News




Have you ever heard of "Kalikantzari" or the Greek Christmas Trolls? 

There is a legend about ancient malevolent trolls that are trying to cut out the tree of life and they come to Earth right after Christmas!

A Greek Legend that has passed down to us by our grandmothers' tells us that  small, hairy, evil little creatures that live in the centre of the Earth. 

During the whole year , they are trying to cut of the Tree of Life using a saw, but when Christmas comes, they are able to make all their way up to our world!





They are afraid of holy water - some say that they are also afraid of fire. 

When Christmas comes and until Epiphany (6th January) they come out at night and crawl through keyholes, come down the chimneys or they use open windows to enter our houses at night and cause all king of mischief. 




This is their final step before being able to actually make it and cut off the Tree of Life. 

But... when January 6th arrive, the priests bless all the waters and they spray Holy Water everywhere to make them disappear and turn back at the centre of the Earth, where they stay captured until next Christmas.

The water has cured the Tree of Life, which is whole and unharmed once more and the evil Kalikantzari have to start over. 



This is a beautiful fairytale, that Greek Grandmothers tell to their Grandchildren on Christmas Eve: it combines all elements that make children love this story. 

Share the fairytale with your beloved ones and a very Merry Christmas to All!


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